+607 948 5193
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About Us


Krea Kids as a member of HeveaBoard group of companies, is an organization that puts a premium on the health of your kids and in the protection of the environment. Our products undergo stringent manufacturing controls that ensure the safety, reliability and affordability of our furniture line. HeveaBoard being the first JIS (Japanese Industrial Standard) certified manufacturer in the region ensuring your children can enjoy the benefits of a healthy environment in their growing years.


Krea Kids produces a complete line of furniture, accessories and furnishings and many more for your children and teens. We source only the best materials and employ professional designers and engineers and craftsman to ensure that our products are above industry standards in terms of safety, reliability, style and functionality.


We are Malaysia's first company to produce and retail low-emission, non-toxic furniture, accessories and furnishings. Krea Kids products aim to provide a safe and healthier home environment to your loved ones. If you care for your loved ones, why not us?